CardYep Banner
Rate Calculator
The exchange rates will change with the market in real time, this price is for reference only, please ask for the latest price on WhatsApp before sending the card.
Gift Card Category
Gift Card
Your gift card amount
Nigerian Naira
Why choose us
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100% Legit and Safe
crown gift card is an excellent gift card trading platform with the aim of providing safe and excellent service.
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High Exchange Rates and Price
Our exchange rate is high and the price is excellent. We provide users with a fast trading platform.
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Fast Loading and Payment
Our customer service team is online 24 hours a day to quickly redeem gift cards and pay for them.
card reward
Invite your friends to join our reward program
Whenever you recommend a friend to trade with us, we will reward you when his transaction volume reaches a certain amount. The more you recommend, the more you will get in return. Please start inviting your friends to join us.
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Monthly Transaction Reward
Every month we reward many customers who have reached a certain level of sales up to millions of dollars. The higher the monthly transaction volume, the higher the reward. Come and join us and collect your reward now. Thank you for your participation.
card reward
Frequently Asked
What about the exchange rate and the price?
We will give the best exchange rate according to market fluctuations to ensure that you get the maximum benefit. Please contact us on WhatsApp for the latest exchange rates and prices.
What do I need to do to make a better deal?
Contact us and trade with us step by step as required, which is the quickest and most effective way.
How much do you need? Can I sell gift cards in large quantities?
We need a lot of gift cards and we have to complete millions of dollars of transactions every day. We'll need all the cards you have.
What kinds of gift cards do you buy?
We buy hundreds of gift cards such as Steam, iTunes, Google Play, eBay, Razer Gold, Xbox, Amazon, Walmart, Vanilla, American Express, Sephora, Nordstrom with high rates. There are all kinds of gift cards we need in the gift cards section of our website.
Do crown gift card sell cards?
No, We only buy gift cards
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